Schmidt admitted, that in íåêîãäà ohromnom vraschayuschemsya kolossalnom cloud of gas and pыly obrazovalos shuschenye-protosun, kotoroe slowly szhymalos. Another part cloud, obladayuschaya massoy prymerno ten times less, netoroplyvo vraschalas Around эtoho shuschenyya. Beschyslennыe chastychky nebula stalkyvayas and ottalkyvayas, gradually razmeschalys the vicinity protosun so When not meshat each other. Co TIME's path raspolozhylys nearly in one plane and are kruhovыmy. In so doing, it became preobladat direction of rotation Kaku something opredelennuyu side. Potter stalkyvayuschymysya chastychkamy Speeds motion, kak pokazыvayut raschetы, led k is something sharoobraznoe cloud gradually splyuschyvalos It seems i was on the pancake. Chastychky, raspolozhyvshys in one plane, principles prytyahyvat each other, so kak rasstoyanye Between them umenshalos. Large Samыe Quickly uvelychyvalys of $ s vese. Schmidt rasschytal, that in the middle planetnoy system dolzhnы bыly voznyknut samыe Large planet and the Sun and blyzhe k sovsem away from him-samыe smiles. If you get more information, visit our site: BEST ESSAY CHEAP
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