Kepler's First Law (1609 g ) All dvyzhutsya planet in elliptical orbits , in a single of fokusov kotorыh is on Sun. Kepler's Second Law (1609 g ) Radius vector of the planet are equal promezhutky TIME opysыvaet ploschady are equal . Kepler's third law (1619 g ) Kvadratы syderycheskyh periods circulation two planets otnosjatsja How kubы Bolshoi 's orbit semiaxis Kepler's third law vыpolnyaetsya For all planets Solnechnoy Above system with accuracy of 1%. Confirm Kepler's laws Despite it , that Kepler's Laws appeared vazhneyshym stages of Understanding movement of the planets, all îíè same ostavalys only эmpyrycheskymy rules poluchennыmy of astronomycheskyh observations. Kepler's Laws of nuzhdalys Theoretically rationale. Reshayuschyy step in the direction áûë Done Told Isaak Newton , otkrыvshym in 1682 godu law vsemyrnoho tyahotenyya : where M and m - massы the Sun and the planet , r - rasstoyanye Between them , G = 6,67 · 10-11 N · m2/kh2 - Permanent hravytatsyonnaya . Newton First vыskazal Thought at Tom , that hravytatsyonnыe opredelyayut not only forces of the motion of planets Solnechnoy system; îíè deystvuyut Between lyubыmy telamy universe. In particular , the force of gravity , deystvuyuschaya vblyzy on the body surface of the Earth , blog hravytatsyonnuyu nature. If you get more information, visit our site: BEST ESSAY CHEAP